Perdue outlines USDA expectations for packing plants


Perdue outlines USDA expectations for packing plants

MSCA executive director Allison Vanderwal

Ag Secretary Perdue has outlined the Administration’s expectations following President Trump’s executive order to keep packing plants open.

In letters to Governors across the nation and leadership of major meat processing companies, Perdue says USDA expects state and local officials to work with these critical facilities to maintain operational status while protecting the health of their employees.

Minnesota State Cattlemen’s Association executive director Allison Vanderwal tells Brownfield it’s a slippery slope between worker safety and a secure food supply.

“Just trying to make sure we have the correct facts to make sure that we are still able to process beef, and that we can relieve a lot of these kind of backups that we’re having with cattle being backed up on slaughter.”

The President’s order directs processing plants to follow specific guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and OSHA to protect workers while maintaining operations.

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