Farm Credit official: Packing plant closures are ‘devastating’
The CEO of the Farm Credit Council, Todd Van Hoose, says he’s deeply concerned about the shutdown of packing plants around the country.
“I’m getting multiple reports of producers getting to the point where they’re going to have to start euthanizing animals if they can’t move them off the farm,” Van Hoose says.
He says it’s important to get those packing plants reopened as quickly as possible.
“I certainly wouldn’t criticize anybody for looking after people’s health as necessary. But the fact is, this is devastating the beef and cattle markets, especially.”
VanHoose made those comments during a Farm Credit Council webinar on COVID-19’s impacts on farmers, ranchers and rural communities.
The Farm Credit Council is the national trade association of the Farm Credit System.
AUDIO: Todd Van Hoose responds to question on packing plant closures