NFU pleased with COVID-19 relief
National Farmers Union President Rob Larew says he’s pleased with the USDA’s COVID-19 relief package, but there’s a lot of information to be released about how and when the funds will be distributed.
“We still are waiting for all of the details to be rolled out with that,” he says. “Quite frankly we also know that this help is not going to be probably enough, but there is a least a little bit of hope for some assistance.”
He tells Brownfield he is hopeful the funds will go to those who need it the most…“I’m sure that there is hurt across the way but when you deliver a limited amount of assistance to everyone, including the largest operations, that continues consolidation of farms,” he says. “So, making sure that family-sized operations, whether they’re small- or medium-sized, are getting the help to weather this storm is going to be critically important.”
He says additional support through the Paycheck Protection Program could help farmers.
“We hope that farmers as well as rural small business who may not have access to the biggest banks have a chance and a shot at some of the assistance being offered up through the Paycheck Protection Program,” he says.
NFU advocates on behalf of nearly 200,000 farm families and their communities.
Audio: Rob Larew