Michigan begins oral exams for pesticide certification


Michigan begins oral exams for pesticide certification

Pesticide applicator training is a lot different this spring for Michigan farmers. 

Brian Verhougstraete with the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development says the COVID-19 restrictions forced them to move away from the classroom-style test. He says, “We’ve had to shut down all of our exam sessions which leads producers and other folks that need to get certified in kind of a bad situation where they need to get certified.”

Verhougstraete tells Brownfield Michigan is allowing a one-on-one test for farmers and other private applicators this year. “What we’ve done is put together a process that allows the applicators to give us a call and schedule a time where one of our inspectors can get back with them and actually administer the exam, although in a slightly abbreviated version of the exam, over the phone.”

Verhougstraete says documents are handled by email or regular mail, and it takes a little longer to get someone certified.  He says the department is working on a backup plan to help certify commercial applicators as well.

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