FDA says it’s ensuring food safety amid COVID-19


FDA says it’s ensuring food safety amid COVID-19

The Food and Drug Administration says it’s taking steps to ensure that food and animal feed under its purview is safe.

The FDA says it has postponed routine surveillance inspections of domestic human and animal food facilities and farms out of concern for FDA investigators and state inspectors but will continue to inspect “for cause” when a potential threat to public human or animal health is identified.

FDA has also postponed most foreign inspections through April because of restrictions on travel and concerns about the safety of investigators, while STILL inspecting at ports of entry and using its risk-based import screening tool, PREDICT.

For now, the agency will not enforce onsite audit requirements for supplier verification under the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA).

Also, FDA says there is no evidence of human or animal food or food packaging being associated with transmission of the coronavirus that causes COVID-19.

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