COVID-19 precautions impact Wisconsin ag events
The COVID-19 virus is having an impact on ag-related events. Matt Cullen with Wisconsin Public Service tells Brownfield they canceled this year’s WPS Farm Show in Oshkosh. Matt Cullen with WPS says, “This decision allows us to protect the health of those who had planned to attend the show, as well as others in the Oshkosh area, and the safety and the health of our employees, of our attendees, and of those that were planning on attending the show are our top priorities.”
Cullen tells Brownfield it’s the first time in the 60-year history of the show that it had to be called off, but he says everyone’s safety takes priority. “It’s important to note that this decision follows the guidelines that were issued on Thursday by Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers as well as the State Department of Health Services.”
Cullen says they are working with vendors and exhibitors now, and looking ahead to hosting the 60th show in 2021.
The coronavirus precautions have also impacted the University of Wisconsin educational activities, including farmer workshops. The UW Waterhemp Workshops have been canceled. UW Extension officials say they are working on ways to deliver the content and credits to farmers, including online webinars.
Next week’s Professional Dairy Producers Conference in Madison is going to continue, but PDPW officials tell Brownfield the entire conference will be done online instead of in-person at the Alliant Energy Center. PDPW’s Amy Bonamie says they will be putting more information about programs, seminars, and how to connect on their website soon.