A silver lining amidst the economic turmoil
Concerns over the coronavirus continue to weigh heavily on the stock market, which is also pressuring ag commodities.
Although positive news is hard to come by, Bob Campbell with Omaha-based Farm Credit Services of America sees a bit of a silver lining amidst the economic turmoil.
“Long-term interest rates have really dropped and we’re doing a lot of work with our customers to re-set the fixed rates on their real estate loans, for example,” Campbell says. “They’re able to put rates out there that maybe they’ve never seen before.
“So we can make a really huge impact to their cash flow by today’s rates, as well as maybe looking at a different repayment schedule and trying to line that up with cash flow expectations today.”
Brownfield interviewed Campbell at the Nebraska Governor’s Ag Conference in Kearney.
AUDIO: Bob Campbell