- Prepare a contact list of individuals who should be notified in a medical emergency or death.
- Write an obituary or jot down information you would like included in an obituary.
- Decide where obituary and memorial information should appear.
- Choose the type of service you would like, including the burial you prefer, and make those arrangements.
- Cemetery lot location
- Casket type; cremation urn type
- Vault or sectional crypt
- Type of service: religious, military, non-denominational, or fraternal
- Which funeral home to use
- Pallbearers, music, flowers, scripture or other readings
- Charity to receive donations in lieu of flowers, if preferred
- Select the speakers and the eulogies that you would want to represent you.
- Decide what organizations or church will benefit from memorial donations in your name.
Arrange and Delegate
- Designate a power of attorney to ensure that proper information can be accessed in the event of your illness or death. Make sure a durable power of attorney for health care and a living will are in place so that your wishes are carried out if you are unable to do so.
- Give your Executor a copy of your Will. Saftey deposit boxes are often opened up during the Estate Settlement process, after the funeral.
- Make sure your representative has a list of important account information or telephone numbers for retirement plans, insurance policies, investments, bank accounts, safe-deposit boxes, properties, preferred law and accountant firms and mortuaries.
- Remind your personal representative that the Social Security Administration will need to be called and, if you’re receiving benefits such as those from the Veteran’s Administration, they should be contacted as well.
- Make arrangements for telephone and utilities services, and newspaper and magazine deliveries, to be cancelled.
- Make arrangements for pets to find a new home.
- Cemetery and memorialization services
- Funeral arrangements, including clergy, florist and transportation
We’re happy to help with all these decisions. Contact Us Now
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